What offers are there?
We have offers for specific prices, discounts, and WOWPoints for our standard offers. Most of these offers are ones for switching to a service. We also have offers that your company set up with a provider. Those are typically monthly discounts with that provider.
What necessary information do I need for a monthly discount?
Perks at Work does not negotiate corporate cell phone rates on behalf of our clients. However, many Perks at Work clients do have these offers they have negotiated directly with the wireless providers (often because they use their services to run their business) and so we’ve compiled some helpful links below.
Most often, the wireless provider just needs a work email to verify that you work at the company and are eligible for a monthly discount. If you don’t have a work email, often you can verify with a pay stub or with an employee ID.
Below are some helpful links that have more details on corporate cell phone discounts, how to verify and FAQs. I hope these help. Sprint: https://mysprint.sprint.com/verify/AT&T: https://www.att.com/shop/wireless/iru-check-for-discount.html
Verizon: https://www.verizon.com/discount-program/ and https://www.verizonwireless.com/support/employee-discount-validation-faqs/
T-Mobile: The Advantage Program shut down a few years ago but there may be more info here that can help: https://www.t-mobile.com/business/offers/employee-perks-program
Still need help?
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